Abbreviations are explained and the necessary clarifications are given for the terms used in the Introduction (page 6), a typical adult Iphiclides podalirius (Figure 1.4, page 23), the “Map” of the wings (Figure 1.5, page 24), in Map, Diagrams and Plates 3.3., as found (pages 31-44) of the book THE BUTTERFLIES OF GREECE (2009) and have also been uploaded on this website.
Page 6 of the book: ABBREVIATIONS
Page 23 of the book: Figure 1.4. The typical form of an adult. Nomenclature.
Page 24 of the book: Figure 1.5. “Map” of the wings. The symbols are almost identical to those used in the book “BUTTERFLIES OF BRITAIN AND EUROPE” by L.G. Higgings και N.D. Riley, COLLINS, London.