- (19 III 2024) Added updated Map of distribution of Hipparchia senthes in the page for species Hipparchia.
- (26 II 2024) A new page Beta version (Full Recognition) has been added for the identification of the butterflies of Greece, at the species level and without the 14 complexes; the effort to improve the recognition system is a continuous effort to train the application with new photos and by inventing new artificial intelligence tools.
- (26 II 2024) The Recognition page has been updated, that is the identification of the butterflies of Greece with the 14 complexes, with new photos of the users and personal ones (which were available to improve the application on 31 XII 2023) with which the application was trained.
- (18 II 2024) Added five photographs of Gonepteryx farinosa in the page for species Gonepteryx.
- (8 II 2024) Added fourteen photos of Hipparchia senthes (in Syros, Tinos, Naxos and Makronisos) in the page for species Hipparchia.
- (7 II 2024) Added six photos of Hipparchia senthes chrysanthi (in Antikythira Island) in the page for species Hipparchia.
- (3 II 2024) Added (collected into one file) photos of males and females of species of the genus Maniola in the page for species Maniola.
- (6 I 2024) Added photos of Thymelicus hyrax in the page for species Thymelicus.
- (28 XII 2023) Updated the number of species present in 546 Natura and in 58 Mountain and 111 Islands.
- (26 XII 2023) Added photos of females of Maniola megala in the page for species Maniola.
- (21 XII 2023) Added the page for species Kirinia climene and Kirinia roxelana
- (20-31 XII 2023) Added the New Maps (in coordinates ETRS89, GGRS87 and WGS84) of distribution of species in the page Maps.
- (13 ΧΙI 2023) Correction in name Muschampia lavatherae lavatherae in the page the species for species Carcharodus.
- (12 XII 2023) Added this page for the Updates for what is new in Site.
- (12 XII 2023) Added four photographs in the page for species Pseudochazara, depicting two individuals with abnormally developed features and one individual laying an egg.
- (12 XII 2023) Added the page for species Erebia euryale, Erebia ligea and Erebia aethiops.
- (31 XII 2022) Updated the number of species present in 546 Natura and in 58 Mountain and 110 Islands.
- (31 XII 2022) Added the New Maps (in coordinates ETRS89, GGRS87 and WGS84) of distribution of species in the page Maps.
- (19 XII 2022) Added photographs in the page for species Pseudochazara.
- (16 XII 2022) Added the page Abbreviations and Terminology.
- (16 XII 2022) Added the page for species Colias alfacariensis and Colias crocea.
- (13 XII 2022) Added a photograph of Boloria graeca (Varnous, 22 X 2022) in the page Addenda.
- (9 XII 2022) Added the page for species Erebia neleus and Erebia ottomana.
- (9 XII 2022) Added photos in the page for species Carcharodus and in the page for species Muschampia.
- (9 ΧΙΙ 2022) Added in the page Corrigenta the updated PDF with the addenda and the corrigenda as presented in the free Applications.
Updates for what is new in SiteLazaros Pamperis2024-03-19T19:55:24+03:00