Gegenes pumilio/nostrodamus complex
The two species Gegenes nostrodamus and Gegenes pumilio are very similar and are very difficult to distinguish with photographs, unless the presence or absence of a dense or sparce cluster of hairs in basal area of the HW is noted. This feature is evident in young individuals but in old individuals, it is usually not immediately visible. Related Coutsis J. G. & Olivier A .: Confirmation of the presence of both Gegenes pumilio (Hoffmansegg, 1804) and Gegenes nostrodamus (Fabricius, 1793) on the Greek island of Crete (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae).
Phegea 21(4): 101–107 στο
Photos are presented where this feature is visible.

The presence of this dense clump of hairs in the basal area of the HW (with a green environment) is characteristic of this Gegenes nostrodamus (Crete)

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Gegenes nostrodamus: Hairs dense, long and broad

The absence of a dense clump of hair in the basal area of the HW (with a red surrounding) is characteristic of this young individual of Gegenes pumilio (Kastellorizo)

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Gegenes pumilio: Hairs sparce, fine and short