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Hipparchia senthes/volgensis/cretica/christenseni/mersina complex

The species Hipparchia senthes, Hipparchia volgensis, Hipparchia cretica, Hipparchia christenseni and Hipparchia mersina are very similar and it has not yet been possible to identify them accurately from the external characteristics of the coffin, which usually are seen, when butterflies are standing on the ground or in plants. The distribution maps are presented below because:

  1. In Crete only the species Hipparchia cretica exists.
  2. In Karpathos only the species Hipparchia christenseni exists.
  3. The species Hipparchia mersina exists on the islands of Samos and Lesvos.

Below only photos of Hipparchia cretica, Hipparchia christenseni and Hipparchia mersina are presented.

BELOW: two photos of one female and one male of Hipparchia mersina (Samos)

BELOW: Two photos of one female and one male of Hipparchia christenseni (Karpathos)

ABOVE: Three males Hipparchia cretica (Crete)

BELOW: Four females Hipparchia cretica (Crete)


Hipparchia senthes chrysanthi

After the work of Anastassiu H. T. & Coutsis J. G.: Hipparchia senthes chrysanthi, a new subspecies from the remote Greek island of Andikíthira (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Phegea 51(3): 117–124, the population of Hipparchia senthes in Antikythira Island is considered as subspecies

BELOW: Three females and three males individuals


Hipparchia senthes

In the Cyclades, only Hipparchia senthes has been found so far. Photographs from the islands of Naxos, Tinos, Syros and Makronisos are presented, in order to understand the differences and similarities with the other Hipparchia and with Hipparchia senthes chtrysanthi (from Antikythera):

BELOW: Two photographs of females from Naxos

BELOW: three photographs of males from Tinos

BELOW: Two photos from Syros

BELOW: photos of six males and one female from Makronisos