Analysis as follow should be considered as an addition to the second edition of the book.

Figure 4.17 Morphometrical analysis for species Hipparchia syriaca and H. fagi. Details of the unh

Plate 4.18 Morphometrical analysis for species Hipparchia syriaca and H. fagi. Results of Ratios 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for 111 individuals. Bold letters for the names of species confirmed after examination of genitalia. Red letters for names applied to individuals after the present morphometrical analysis. The names of the species confirmed after the present morphometric analysis, are marked in plain writing.

Chart 4.19 Morphometrical analysis for species Hipparchia syriaca and H. fagi. Diagram produced after Correspondence Multivarieted Analysis, based on calculations of Ratios 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for all the 111 individuals, with the relative places for males and females from Bibliography and males and females photographed by the author.
Legend for Chart 4.19: (◆) for individuals photographed by the author, (◯) H. fagi, (▲) H. syriaca and (△) H. syriaca ghigii.

Figure 4.20. Details of the unh of Hipparchia syriaca and H. fagi. For all 60 individuals photographed by the author figures of the unh were made accompanied by a number which is the same as in Plate 4.18 and in Chart 4.19.
1. For 41 males from Greece

Figure 4.20. Details of the unh of Hipparchia syriaca and H. fagi. For all 60 individuals photographed by the author figures of the unh were made accompanied by a number which is the same as in Plate 4.18 and in Chart 4.19.
2. For 19 females in Greece.
For all Hipparchia syriaca και H. fagi from Greece, as presented here, you can find here a PDF document with details of UNS of the wings: Details of UNH of Hipparchia fagi & H. syriaca from Greece.